martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

Unit 3. Wrap Up.


1: The Belmar Hotel, good morning,  May I help you?
2: Of course, I want speak with David.
1: What´s his room number?
2: 107
1: Wait a minute please...
    He isn´t in. Do you want to leave a mesagge?
2: Yes. Tell him I can not go to his work quote. Please. Thank you.
1: Your welcome. I´m here to serve you.


Will he pay whit cash?
No, he will pay with his credit card.

Will they go to eat at 3:00?
May be.

Will they could  room service?
Yes, they will.


Best service in the city
Real del Cobre Hotel $$ (moderately priced)
Road Cananea-Aguaprieta
40 rooms

Real del Cobre Hotel is your best option in the city, has tha best service at a good price.

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